quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2009

Engage 1 Friday 07/08

It is a good group. Pretty new to me so I don't know much about them. 5 against 3 boys in the group, so twilight is welcome there! girls love it! I had to introduce the project with the song from Paramore. More to break the ice between them and me. Working with the song wasn't as good as I wished because I had to do all at once - work on meaning, form and etc... I wish I had prepared the vocabulary first. Class went smoothly though. No big deal. Next meeting will be the first 10 minutes of the movie.

Their English level seems to be good.


Inspiration 2 - Twilight class 1 04/08

Considering how Engage T1 handle the activities and evaluating their mood, I decided to create lighter material to work with this group in particular, because their linguistic level is lower (beginning 3th semester of English) and another younger teen group - 11 to 13.
-For the song, I worked with Decode the message game. The message introduces the beginning of the story. This activity was well taken and effective for them.
-I worked with the trailer. I played once and they watched. Then, played again without sound for them to brainstorm as many words as possible in two groups. I gave each group a colorful tag board to register the words.
-match the answers to the questions. This was also a good activity because they had to find their pairs while practicing asking questions.

I prepared other activities that time didn't allow to use. We took mostly an hour class to do those activities. For homework, I gave them the decode vocabulary to study and twilight profile to research and complete.

I didn't give them a questionaire to answer or asked them questions. But most of the students went out excited and pleased with the activities. I need to prepare a questionaire for our second meeting (first 10 minutes of the movie session)

The twilight profile

Name: _____________________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________________
Live in:____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Children: ( )yes ( ) no if yes, how many: ____________

Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )

Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Brother/Sisters: _____________________________________
Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )

Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Children: ( )yes ( ) no if yes, how many: ____________

Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Children: ( )yes ( ) no if yes, how many: ____________
For more information on the movie characters check out this webpage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Twilight_characters
For more information about Stephanie Meyer check out this webpage:
For more information about the characters in Portuguese check out this webpage:

Fill in the profile. Now that you know a little bit about the twilight characters and Stephanie meyer, the writer. Look for more information on websites about twilight or access the webpages above. Choose one of the characters and prepare a presentation for our next class. Bring photos if you can, and tell us about your favorite one(s)!!!!

Next class:
Decode song - activity to work on pronunciation.
Ask about the profile. Who did? If many students didn't do it. Give one more week. If some did, divide them in two groups and allow them time to ask and answer questions. Model on the board couple of examples.

What would I have done differently?

For T1, I would definitely make them move a bit around. More individual challenges. Not put girls against boys. The boy group didn't work out well.

For T7, I don't see a flaw. Their feedback was very good. More music in class though.

First meeting evaluation - T1 and T7 Engage 1

T1 is a group of young teens - 11 to 14 years old. A mixed ability group and not very engaged with each other and in learning English. The second one (T7) is more mature and very engaged with me and each other.
The activities planned worked well with the second group as their evaluation will show. With the first one though, we had problem with time management, pick up some students interest and lack of participation from couple of them, and one of most participative and motivated student missed class because he was sick. Written feedback was not given by them. Only one student stayed and gave me some feedback:

The questions I prepared to ask were:
What part of the class did you like best and why?
Do you prefer to read, write, listen or speak?
Did you find the ppt presentation a useful tool and was it prepared well and visually interesting?
What was effective for you and why?
What did you learn today?

From T1 - Kely:
She found the profile activity interesting and effective because they reviewed and learned new words for describing appearance. She prefers to speak, because she wants to develop speaking proficiency more than the other skills. In her opinion, she thinks the other students found the meeting interesting because it is something new to them. She is interested in learning words and expressions in English, and she thinks she learned some, but didn't mention which ones.

From T7 - Alan Mangili:
The song and describing the appearance of the characters were the activities he liked best. Therefore, the most effective for him because he said he learned a lot about the characters in the profile activity and the song because he likes music. In his opinion, the powerpoint was useful and well presented. He prefers to listen, then, speak, write and read. He learned new words and about the characters.

Guilherme Kanarek:
He liked best the song video clip. Why? It's obvious. He loves music. He prefers to Speak, then listen, read and write. The presentation for him was cool and well presented. His favorite activity was the matching the key words from the song. He learned many words, like: Golden brown to describe eye color.

Gabriel Nandi Borges:
He liked the activities done in groups. Speaking, listening then writing and reading are his favorite order. He liked the presentation because it has images, so it is cool. He also enjoyed the matching the key words from the song best because he reviewed some verbs.

Bruno Ferreira Fontana:
The song was his favorite activity too. He likes this kind of activity very much.
Listening, reading, speaking and writing are his preference order.
He thinks the powerpoint presentation was effective and visually interesting.
The activity that he thinks was most productive for him was the song, where new words were learned and their meanings.

Luana Uggioni:
The twilight project inspired her to get the books to read and buy things about it. Her preference order of skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. The ppt was great. The ws was a good for her and activities in groups. She also thinks she learned new things today.

I need to balance the activities in order to make it more effective. Especially with more immature groups, I need to be extra careful.

The first meeting

1st Twilight class

General lesson aim:
Learn language in a context where all learning styles can benefit from; by understanding the main idea of the book, they can understand the movie better and explore other themes, like: vampire world in fiction movies and books, habits, geographic and weather differences from US states – Arizona and Washington states. Other topics can be also explored – high school system in the US, life in school, prom, etc.

Language target:
• Talking about the writer, the main characters and the movie stars’ personal information;
• Describing the characters appearance;
• Using “can” to describe what vampires can do and compare with Twilight version of them;
• Being introduced to the following structure “If.. I would…”

Age group: 12 upwards

Material needed:
Multimedia room
Computer for presentations
Project and DVD
Twilight DVDs
Books or any other visual resource
Students’ worksheets

Class development:
Pre-story tasks: Introducing the title “Twilight” by showing the PPT 1.
Has anyone watched the movie? or read the book? How many books are there? (5 - Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking down, Midnight sun) Don’t show the book covers yet. This step is just to find out what they know about the SAGA and if they know the names in English. Teach them later…
If anyone read the book or watched the movie, did you like it? Do you like the book? What do you prefer the book or the movie? (5-10 mins)

Activity 1- True or false chart: Dictate the sentences. (15 mins) PPT 2
Sts hear, check and then create a question to find out if they are correct or not. They can work in groups and for each right question they can get a point. I will only answer if the question is correct.
1- Charlie is Bella’s father. → → → → Is Charlie Bella’s father?
2- Bella’s father is a police officer. → → → Is Bella’s father a police officer?
3- Bella loves a vampire. → → → → → Does Bella love a vampire?
4- Bella is 15 years old. → → → → → Is Bella 15 years old?
5- Jacob doesn’t like Bella. → → → → Does Jacob like Bella?
6- Edward has 3 sisters. → → → → → Does Edward have 3 sisters?
7- There are 3 nomadic vampires. → → → Are there 3 nomadic vampires? \nō-‘ma-dik\
8- James is a violent vampire. → → → → Is James a violent vampire?
9- Carlisle is a respectful doctor. → → → Is Carlisle a respectful doctor?
10- Bella and Edward meet at the school cafeteria. → Do they meet at the school cafeteria?

Activity 2: What is the story about? (10 mins) PPT 3 e 4
It's about a seventeen-year-old girl that falls in love with a vampire.
• Show a picture of Bella and Edward. Work with the slides to present the main idea of the story. Allow them time to try to write a description themselves and discuss.

Who wrote the book? (5mins) PPT 5
• show a picture of Stephanie Meyer and the book cover. Tell a little bit of her story. See her website for input. http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/index.html

Activity 3: Twilight profile. (30 mins) PPT 5- 7
Give students time to look at the pictures and try to add as much information as they can. And give as homework a research task for next class. (Students will have next class about 15 minutes to present their favorite characters orally.) For those who doesn’t do it, I will keep a card record to be used at the end of the semester as assessment resource.

Twilight song: DECODE – 5:10 mins. PPT 8
Play the DVD and allow them to enjoy it.
Hand in worksheet. Movie soundtrack Decode from Paramore.

How can I decide what`s right,
When you`re clouding up my mind?
I can`t win your losing fight,
All the time.

How can I ever own what`s mine,
When you`re always taking sides?
But you won`t take away my pride,
No not this time
Not this time

How did we get here
When I used to know you so well
But how did we get here
I think I know

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And its hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can’t see
What kind of man that you are,
If you`re a man at all
Well I will figure this one
Out on my own
(I'm screaming I love you so)
On my own
(my thoughts you can't decode)
How did we get here
When I used to know you so well
But how did we get here
I think I know
do you see what we`ve done
We`re gonna make such fools of ourselves
Do you see what we`ve done
We`re gonna make such fools of ourselves
How did we get here
When I used to know you so well
But how did we get here
I think I know
there is something i see in you
It might kill me
I want it to be true

Activity 1: Allow them to do the matching activities of the key words in pairs, emulate a race.
Practice pronunciation, rhythm, linking sounds by singing along with them. (20 mins)

Change the focus from the story to the vampire topic.
• What do you think about vampires. (discuss with a partner and write down as many sentences as possible in English), then share with the class. (class discussion) (5 mins – allow them time to make a list in Portuguese what they know about Vampires) PPT 9
• Show the slide shows about Vampires. PPT 10-12
• What do vampires do? ( give students a list of possible actions after they try to start the list themselves- prepare it.) PPT 13
• How would you react if you saw a vampire? ( prepare a list of verbs possible and teach them use of would in this situation. ask them to use would + verb to express the conditional: If I saw a vampire I would run/shout/scream/call for help/do nothing/freeze/and so on....) PPT 14


The Twilight SAGA – Class 1!!!!

Are you a twilighter? Listen to the sentences, then check true or false, then ask questions to find out IF you are a twilight fan!!

True False
Write the questions for each sentence you hear.
1- ____________________________________________________________
2- ____________________________________________________________
3- ____________________________________________________________

What is the story about?


The twilight profile

Name: _____________________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________________
Live in:____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Children: ( )yes ( ) no if yes, how many: ____________

Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )

Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Brother/Sisters: _____________________________________
Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )

Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )

Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Children: ( )yes ( ) no if yes, how many: ____________

Character’s name:_________________________________
From: _____________________________________________
occupation: _______________________________________
Live in:_____________________________________________
Hair: ______________________________________________
Hobbies: __________________________________________
Marital status: Married ( ) single ( ) divorced ( )
Children: ( )yes ( ) no if yes, how many: ____________
For more information on the movie characters check out this webpage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Twilight_characters
For more information about Stephanie Meyer check out this webpage:

Now you know a little bit about the twilight characters and Stephanie meyer, the writer. Look for more information on websites about twilight or access the webpages above. Choose one of the characters and prepare a presentation for our next class. Bring photos if you can, and tell us about your favorite one(s)!!!!

Rose Bard © 2009 EFL worksheets – Twilight project for teens

Preparing first meeting

I have to consider materials for teens in the 3rd and 4th semester of studying.
Teens age range from 11 to 15 years old.
Once I have talked to the groups about it. Girls are more into it than boys. But boys goes along just as long as the activities are suitable and challenging.

I got from teachers that already worked with the movie worksheets. I prepared few of them myself. One of them, which I think is an important one is the Twilight characters profile. The other ones are the family tree, powerpoint presentation and the decode message game.

Designing new material is time consuming. I am glad that Betti - from Italy- and Jennings - from Korea, helped me out with some cool ready made worksheets. I am enjoying preparing my own materials too.

Betti and Jennings are members of ESL Printables - a sharing library.

The start

I have been thinking about the possibility of using movies as a support to teach English since earlier this year. For teens in special movies are very appealing. Main problem was to find a movie that could be appealing for girls and boys. Girls like drama and romance. However, boy enjoy actions and horror. Girls do like it too, but the other way around is not true for boys. I thought Twilight gave a little bit of every genre - romance, drama, action, horror, fantasy, and so on. Apart from this aspect, the movie has the support of the book, rich in language itself. Too advanced for beginners though. Adapting wouldn't be a problem to encorage reading. I wonder if ESL/EFL publishers would be interested in adpating the SAGA themselves. Anyway, another interesting thing is the cultural aspect - high school teens living in a commom city in Washington State - not Washington DC as some students assume. We can also compare life in different parts of the STates based on the characteres overview and experiences. So, this is the start. Last June, I bought the double DVDs and couple of books. The challenge has begun already.